Info-Mac 3
USENET Abbreviations
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Internet Message Format
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 93 12:11:05 EST
From: Dr. G. Paul Savage <paul.savage@carbon.chem.csiro.au>
Subject: [*] internet abbreviations
There has been some renewed interest in internet/usenet abbreviations and I
notice another list has been added to the info/comm directory. The two lists,
namely, internet-acronyms.txt and usenet-acronyms.txt pretty much overlap. In
the interest of clarity I have combined the list in my original posting with
the list in the usenet-acronyms.txt posted by Daniel J. Hofferth. Perhaps this
list should replace both of the previously mentioned files. Also, the file
should be called internet (or usenet) "abbreviations", not internet (or usenet)
"acronyms". Acronyms can be spoken as a word (e.g. NASA) whereas abbreviations
are just the letters (e.g. BTW). Some on the list *are* acronyms of course
(e.g. MUD, SNAFU) but most are not. This seems picky but someone pointed this
out to me the day after I posted internet-acronyms.txt.
For those newcomers to the internet who are confused by terms such as IMHO,
BTW and RTFM, the following is a list of commonly used abbreviations. If you
read the digest long enough you will probably come across all of these. Please
note some of the abbreviations are for sayings in less than polite language but
I didn't make them up, I'm just explaining them.
BRB Be right back (often used on MUDS and talk sessions)
BTS Better than s***
BTSOOM Beats the s*** out of me
BTW By the way
DYJHIW Don't ya just hate it when...
FAQ Frequently asked (or answered) question
FUBAR F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition
FWIW For what it's worth
FYI For your information
GR&D Grinning running & ducking
IAE In any event
IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer, also IANA... such as CPA
IMCO In my considered opinion
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IOW In other words
JASE Just another system error
MUD Multi user domain (or dungeon)
NFW No f***ing way
NRN No Reply Necessary
OTOH On the other hand
PITA Pain in the ass
ROFL Rolling on floor laughing.
RSN Real Soon Now [which may be a long time coming]
RTFM Read the f***ing manual (or message)
SITD Still in the dark
SNAFU Situation Normal, All F***ed Up
SOL S*** outta luck
TANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TFE Too f***ing easy
TIA Thanks In Advance (also AtDhVaAnNkCsE)
TIC Tongue in cheek
TLA Three letter acronym
WTF What the f***
paul.savage@carbon.chem.csiro.au ......................... Australian Science
CSIRO, Division of Chemicals & Polymers .................. Australia's Future